Author: jabo
It can be frustrating when you are a beginner with astrology knowing that there is so much more to be gained from the knowledge offered, but difficult to know where to begin. The difference between the various occult services available is also important in getting a better understanding of what astrology can offer.
To get more out of generalized astrology—i.e. horoscope columns—is by reading the forecast for your Rising Sign/Ascendant, as well as your Sun Sign. The technique used for writing generalized forecasts via horoscope columns means you can do this, and get twice as much out of them, rather than just reading your Sun Sign. Having an accurate time of birth to know your Rising Sign is important. Astrologers can help you with this.
It is important to know that most astrologers are NOT psychic when coming to an astrologer for a reading of any sort. !
Knowing that the more information you can give your astrologer, the better reading you will get.
The planets and various parts of an astrology chart represent different energies, and are used as symbols. It is important to let your astrologer know as much as you are comfortable in sharing about your situation because symbols have a vast amount of meanings . Then opportunity to narrow down the meanings of the symbols to use in your unique situation is given to your astrologer.
To think about the different between a symbol and a sign is one important concept.
Usually, a sign has only one meaning—for example—a stop sign means that you have to stop at a particular place. A symbol, for example a star, could mean a variety of things depending on what context it is used in—some thoughts that spring to my mind include: a movie star, Star of Bethlehem, the need to shine, etc.
Keep in mind when consulting an astrologer that even though you may be sensitive about any personal situations in your life, and that the astrologer is not there to judge you. They are also bound by a code of ethics to protect your confidentiality (if they are a member of a professional organization like the Federation of Australian Astrologers).
It is important to keep communication flowing not only for the astrologer to be able to do their job better, but also for you as the client to get the best possible reading.
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Know more about Tarot cards when you visit Universal Psychic Guild and get more great services for numerology report. PG also offers daily horoscopes for you and services for authentic psychic readings. Universal Psychic Guild provides accurate psychic readings about life, love and success and immediate answers to your questions to make you happier and more successful in every aspect of life.